Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mr. Wit & Mr. Shaman

i know i have quite a few blogs in my blogroll to the right...some i visit regularly or on a daily basis and some, not as much.

there are 2 blogs that even if i'm busy i make it a point to check them out in the morning and late afternoon. these are two of the greatest guys in the blogworld that i know of. they both brighten my every workday. i am happy to call them my best blogger buddies. :)

Objectivity and Observation




Historical Wit said...

wow thanks for the shout out. Much appreciated. and just so you know, I left work today and walked across the street to buy a roll of sweettarts. I ate the whole roll and the bitterness burned my tounge raw. Its worse than an addiction, its like a siren song...

Oceanshaman said...

Wow . . . honored . . . and both of us from the Eastern Shore of Maryland, no less . . . must be something in the water . . .

I used to think very little of Texas, but then I started blogging, and discovered that there's a whole bunch of cool people in the Lone Star State . . .

I check your blog out daily, as well . . . always something to make me smile . . .

'Til Tomorrow . . .

Namaste . . .