today was a very hard decision for me.
i've been having an internal struggle for a while now about what i was going to do with my vote in these primaries.
i've been having an internal struggle for a while now about what i was going to do with my vote in these primaries.
did i vote for the candidate that i support 99% and i believe in, but realistically will not get his party's nomination? or do i vote for my 2nd choice in a completely different party (the party that in all honesty i affiliate more of my beliefs anyway) that is neck and neck with the other opponent?
i mulled this over in my brain until the point of it hurting a few times. i didn't know what i was going to do until this morning. i made the decision to vote for barack obama. and i can only hope that ron paul will run again in 4 years as he has already stated that he is NOT going to run independently. i felt a little sad when i walked out of the voting place. but i know in my heart that i made the right decision under the circumstances. since ron will not win the party's nomination, i knew i needed to give my vote to barack because i sure as hell don't want hillary to win the dem nomination....and since they are so close, i know my vote will count more this way.
so, i feel that i need to take my ron paul signs down as i can not honestly say that i voted for him today (although i wish circumstances were different and i could have). i will not show my true support for another candidate until the primaries are over and the dem and repub candidates have been decided.
I've always felt that the primaries/caucuses are a chance to vote your heart - no matter whether your choice has a chance of winning or not.
If Kucinich were still in the race, I would've voted for him since he was about the only one who closely matched my beliefs.
So, good on you for mulling it over and making a choice you can live with. ;)
thanks alan - i really wanted to go with what my heart said too, BUT considering the circumstances of the closeness of the race on the dem side, i decided i needed to go that route....otherwise, i would've gone with my heart. ;-)
i bought into the Obama ticket a few months ago. I just never seen a political force like his yet. I have seen some flashes of brilliance, but nothing that has grown to what Obama has. So I voted Obama too, but is Dennis Kucinich was on my ballot I would have voted for him. I agree with him 100% on issues accoriding to this survey I took twice.
nice blog. i voted for hillary. i like barack but i feel that she can do more internationally and also she has more experience. obviously, i'm the minority here in austin. everyone here has barack fever. personally, i don't get the hatred people have for hil. anyway, i will totally vote for either barack or hillary, depending on who wins the democratic nomination. i'm most def. not in love with either candidate.
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